Our Residential Services

At the SETZER Group, we're honored that our customers continue to trust us with their precious outdoor spaces and value the relationships that we build with them. When you work with our team, know that we prioritize our customers. Our teams consistently arrive on time and on schedule.

We’ll keep you up to date with our progress and are happy to return phone calls promptly. When we're on the job, quality and the safety of your family, our crew, and your home or business are at the forefront of everything we do. As a result, you can rest easy, knowing that your lawn care is in good hands. We love to go the extra mile for our customers!

Soil Testing

Soil testing is one of the easiest ways to determine what the lawn needs to look its best. By conducting a series of soil tests, experts can quickly learn what the soil lacks so that it can be brought back to health. A soil test will also indicate what plants will do best in the garden. Soil testing will also indicate what may be needed for optimal soil conditions.

The acidity of the soil affects how plants can take up nutrients and thrive. On a 1.0-14.0 scale, anything below seven is considered acidic. Seven is neutral, and anything above that is alkaline. Rainy regions tend to have more acidic soil, and desert areas have more alkaline soil.

To raise the pH of soil that is too acidic, landscapers know to add lime, dolomite limestone, or wood ashes. If the pH is too high, horticultural sulfur, pine needles, or composted oak leaves can bring it down. The experts at the SETZER Group use soil testing as part of our holistic approach to landscaping to keep lawns and gardens healthy.


Mowing, Edging, Blowing

Professional lawn care consists of several different tasks, like mowing, edging, and blowing, designed to keep your lawn well-groomed, defined, and healthy. Professional landscapers are ready to maintain the property using these three techniques.

Mowing is an essential part of the lawn care maintenance process. Keeping the grass cut to a short, uniform length helps to promote healthy growth, remove weeds, and even eliminate pests. Riding lawn mowers or push mowers are both used to help to maintain this neat appearance.

Edging uses standard gas or electric edgers or bed redefiners to trim the edges of the lawn and keep them neat and tidy. Edging reduces the need for future trimming, prevents invasive greenery growth, and sharpens the barriers put in place between landscape installations for a well-kept appearance. After the grass is mowed and edged, blowers remove any remaining debris to clear the lawn.


Core Aeration

Core aeration involves using a lawn aerator machine to remove small plugs of soil and thatch that are usually between ½” to ¾” in diameter from the lawn. Aeration is the primary way to reduce soil compaction and improve the soil's health for the grass to grow.

Core aeration creates a small channel that allows oxygen, water, and nutrients or fertilizer to penetrate the soil further, essentially allowing the lawn to breathe and the grassroots to access everything that they need to thrive. Grassy areas that are frequently underfoot or under other traffic types (like cars) should be aerated more regularly than those out of the way.


Pruning & Trimming (trees/bushes)

Pruning involves removing parts of the plant that are no longer useful. This technique enhances the overall good health, strength, and shape of trees or bushes. Pruning is done for both aesthetic and functional reasons.

Pruning trees involves cutting any dead, diseased, weak, or overgrown parts from the tree that may cause deformities. This is important for the health of the tree and ensures safety, such as in the event of severe weather. Pruning and trimming a growing shoot on a shrub, for example, will stimulate new growth. 

Careful, routine pruning results in an attractive, balanced framework and minimizes the amount of time and effort required to care for the plants in the future. Expert landscapers know how and when to trim and prune trees and bushes for maximum benefit.


Weed Control & Fertilizing

Lawn maintenance programs often require fertilization and weed control to keep lush lawns well-fed and protected. Professional landscapers have the products and time-tested application methods. Even more importantly, they know how to apply these products at the right time to keep your lawn green and free of weeds.

Fertilizer is food for the grass' root system. It results in consistent, uniform growth that looks greener and fuller. Well-nourished grass is also thicker, which helps the soil keep its structure, resist pest damage and disease, and prevent runoff when it rains.

Weed control takes several forms. Preventative treatments are often applied in the spring to keep new weeds from growing. It may be necessary to pull tougher weeds or use another type of treatment to keep other weeds from spreading. Since weeds can survive the winter and come back to wreak havoc on your lawn in the spring, it's essential to deal with them swiftly before they take over the yard.


Contact Us at the SETZER Group to get started on your best lawn today!